Seminaarit: FRESH CIRCUS# 5 – Circus is everywhere ! 22.–24.10.2019

Kansainvälinen sirkuksen ja katutaiteen Circostrada-verkosto järjestää viidennen kerran FRESH CIRCUS -seminaarin, joka tällä kertaa tapahtuu Ranskassa Auchissa vietettävän CIRCa-festivaalin yhteydessä 22.–24.10.2019. Seminaarin teemana on Circus is everywhere!, jonka alla käsitellään sirkustaiteen roolia alueellisen kehityksen promoottorina tai osana aluekehityshankkeita. Jos olet mukana  hankkeessa, jonka haluaisit tuoda mukaan keskusteluun FRESH CIRCUS #5 -seminaarissa, kerro siitä lomakkeella, johon löytyy linkki alla olevasta tekstistä.

FRESH CIRCUS# 5 – Circus is everywhere!  22–24 October 2019 – AUCH – France

We are pleased to announce that the fifth edition of FRESH CIRCUS — International Seminar for the Development of Circus Arts, co-organised  by Circostrada, ARTCENA et CIRCa — Pôle national cirque – Auch Gers Occitanie will take place in Auch during the 32nd Contemporary Circus Festival (from 18 to 27 october 2019).

FRESH CIRCUS#5 will adapt the traditional conference model to the festival specificities and to the seminar topic, that is, the relation between circus and territories, with an emphasis on rurality. Questioning the contexts of each project, its singularities, its territories, confronting knowledge and experiences, such will be the stakes of this meeting.

On the agenda of this 3-day seminar: professional exchanges, artistic performances, pitches, real-life case studies illustrating circus projects on territories, informal meetings gathering diverse profiles, thematic debates, and many parallel activities including an eat & meet time to discover the local products of Gascogne.

Call for projects: Circus and territories

Do you wish to take part in FRESH CIRCUS#5 and join us during this key meeting time to exchange and reflect on circus arts at the international level? Are you currently developing a circus project or know of a circus project dealing with territories that you wish to share?

Fill this FORM * by 8th March 2019! (accessible until midnight – French time)

We are looking for 20 actors, who have initiated, developed or supported a circus project on a territory and who are able to come with one of their partners.
These projects must be ongoing or already achieved. Pending or unfinished projects which have reached an advanced reflection stage with some partners are also relevant to us.

The selected projects will have the opportunity to be presented in the frame of the FRESH CIRCUS#5 programme on October 22nd, 2019 in front of some 50 international professionals and will serve as a basis for a discussion facilitated by experts (city planners, policy makers, artists, architects, sociologists, etc.)

*The form is available in English and French. To select the language, click on the flag menu in the top right hand corner of the page.

(Lähde: Circostradan uutiskirje 8.2.2019)