Kansainvälisen lastenkulttuurifoorumin Tampereen konferenssin satoa

Kansainvälinen lastenkulttuurifoorumi järjestettiin 30.9.-1.10.2019 Tampereella. Foorumiin osallistui yli 300 ihmistä 26 maasta, ja se oli yksi Suomen EU-puheenjohtajakauden kansainvälisistä tapahtumista. Foorumin yhteenvedosta valmisteltiin eurooppalaisella yhteistyöllä ns. Tampere paper.

With help from The European Network of Observatories in the Field of Arts and Cultural Education (ENO), session moderators and Dr. Raisa Foster, we have gathered conclusions of the findings of the forum. Attached is the link to the Tampere paper. Please distribute this paper to your network, decision makers in your country and European Union.

During the forum, the international panel of researchers and practitioners shared their perspectives and formed a consensus on the central role of rich and diverse children’s culture and arts, as well as culture education for building a well-functioning and democratic society. The scholars and practitioners stressed that the child is an active agent in their own life and an active contributor and creator of culture. Furthermore, the panel of participants identified that the key challenge in implementing children’s cultural rights is to ensure and secure meaningful participation and engagement for all children. The following recommendations target the six critical issues in this task:

  1. Securing every child’s right to participation
  2. Advancing multi-professional co-operation and partnerships
  3. Understanding diversity and the advancement of wellbeing
  4. Encouraging critical thinking and self-expression
  5. Building and supporting sustainable communities
  6. Arts education and cultural education founded on current research

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