Toisissa tiloissa: Ei-inhimillisen näyttelemisen työpaja 24.–28.6.2019, Helsinki

(Scroll down for info in English)

Kiitos ensimmäisen työpajan suosion, järjestetään Ei-inhimillisen näyttelemisen työpajakesäkuussa uudestaan! Haku työpajaan on auki 15.4.–5.5.2019.

Esitystaiteen kollektiivi Toisissa tiloissa  järjestää viiden päivän mittaisen työpajan (ma–pe 17–21) 24.-28.6.2019, joka on suunnattu esittävien taiteiden ammattilaisille, näyttelijöille, tanssijoille ja esitystaiteilijoille. Työpaja on ilmainen ja se järjestetään osittain Esitystaiteen Keskus Eskuksella (Suvilahti) ja osittain muussa tilassa Helsingissä. Työskentelyn kielenä on englanti. Työpajaan mahtuu max 16 osanottajaa. Työpajaan vaaditaan 100% läsnäolo.

Hakemukset ruotsiksi, suomeksi tai englanniksi lähetetään osoitteeseen otsikolla Ihmisen jälkeinen teatteri, hakemus. Hakemuksen tulee sisältää yhtenä pdf-tiedostona motivaatiokirje ja lyhyt cv / portfolio. Työpajaan valituille ilmoitetaan 20.5. mennessä. Työpajaa ja hanketta koskevat tiedustelut: (englanti/ suomi), puh. 0400-792594.

Ihmisen jälkeinen teatteri 

Workshop on Non-Human Acting: 2nd Edition

Thanks to the success of the first edition, the Workshop on Non-Human Acting will be organised again in June! The call for applications opens on 15 April and closes on 5 May.

Posthuman Theatre is an experimental performance project organised in collaboration between LUST Association and the Other Spaces Live Art collective during the year 2019. The facilitator of the project is Esa Kirkkopelto, performing artist, philosopher and the founding member of the Other Spaces collective.

The aim of the project is to develop the idea of the non-human acting in practice: how is it possible, what does it require from a performer and what kind of theatre will it produce? The topic and its mode of implementation correspond to the ethical and ecological challenges performing arts face today. The project is motivated by a view according to which performing arts should shift towards a less anthropocentric direction and take place in the future between different kinds of bodies, phenomena and creatures. Before non-human theatre becomes possible, one has to solve a series of problems, the most fundamental of them being the physical limits of the human body as well as the anthropomorphism which tends to dominate our imagination. Non-human acting requires new kinds of body techniques, new kind of corporeal thinking and dramaturgy. The project aims at inventing, developing and demonstrating these kinds of means.

The 5-day-long workshop on 24–28 June (Mon-Fri 17–21) is addressed to the professionals in performing arts, actors, dancers and performance artists. The workshop is free of charge and it will take place partly at Performance Centre Eskus (Suvilahti) partly elsewhere in Helsinki. The working language will be English. The maximum amount of participants is 16 persons. Full attendance is required.

The call for applications opens on 15 April and closes on 5 May. The applications in Swedish, Finnish or English, including a letter of motivation + a short cv/portfolio as one pdf-file, are addressed to with the subject Posthuman theater, application. The selection is announced by 20 May. Queries about the Workshop or the project: (English / Finnish), tel. 0400-792594.

LUST association is a non-profit organization working to develop the professional theatre field in Finland through the Swedish-language theatre.

OTHER SPACES (in Finnish Toisissa tiloissa) is a Live Art collective whose work is based on collective corporeal exercises through which people can visit “other spaces”, i.e. enter in contact with the modes of being and experience other than human.

Posthuman theatre online: