Avainsana: Open call


Haku vuoden 2021 Performing HEL -ohjelmistoon käynnissä nyt!

Helsingissä 2.-5.9.2021 järjestettävä Performing HEL showcase esittelee tuoreinta ja kiinnostavinta esittävää taidetta Suomesta. Jo kolmannen […]

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Subcase 2021: Open call for artists

Subcase is a Nordic-Baltic contemporary circus showcase and meeting place that many of you have […]

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International Open Tender for ”Service of a Pan-European Tour Performance”

From 11 August to 30 September there is time to participate in the call for […]

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Open Call: Finnish Showcase at China Performing Arts Expo 2020 Online

The China (Beijing) Performing Arts Expo (CPAX) is an international performing arts industry exchange and […]

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CINARS WEB: Call for Applications

PITCH SESSIONS DEADLINE : SEPTEMBER 25, 2020 CINARS offers a unique opportunity to virtually display […]

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Open Call: Pitch New Works at the Virtual Edition: 2021 ISPA Congress

The International Society for the Performing Arts is delighted to announce that we are accepting […]

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BNCN-verkoston New Horizons Leadership -ohjelman haku avoinna 8.8. saakka

Etsitään nousevia kykyjä johtamaan tulevaisuuden sirkusalaa New Horizons Leadership Programme (NHLP) on baltialais–pohjoismaisen sirkusverkoston Baltic […]

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Open Call for PAMS Pitching 2020

Hakuilmoitus ja hakulomake (siirryt toiselle sivustolle)

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Open call: Kinosaki International Arts Center Artist-In-Residence program 2021-2022

Kinosaki International Arts Center is now taking applications for the Artist-In-Residence program 2021-2022. The application […]

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Call for Proposals: MICC ONLINE

Despite the cancellation of our summer 2020 festival, TOHU and Montréal Complètement Cirque are pleased […]

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