Netflips-sivusto tarjoaa viikoittain kaksi nykysirkusteosta katsottavaksi pientä maksua vastaan. Maksamalla 0,59£ vuokramaksun (n. 0,67 euroa, halutessaan voi tukea suuremmallakin summalla) esitystallenteen saa katsottavakseen kuukauden ajaksi tai 72 tunniksi katsomisen aloittamisesta. Vuokrahinta menee palvelun hyvin pienen provision jälkeen suoraan taiteilijoille ja 10% Palestiinan sirkuskoulun toimintaan, joten tämä on myös mainio tapa tukea taiteilijoita.
Tarjolla olevat esitykset vaihtuvat maanantaisin. Lumo Companyn WireDo on vuokrattavissa sunnuntaihin 12.4. asti.
Straight from the intimate tents and theatres around the world, we bring world-class performance direct to your screens. Contemporary circus comes in many shapes and sizes, and is full of fun and wonder. Here is a place for smaller companies to band together and present the work that they hold close to their hearts.
We want to make clear though, that recorded shows can never do justice to the magic that is generated through live shows. It will never catch the nuances of the creation and the subtleties of the performers. The camera angle(s) may not be ideal, the audio slightly tinny, maybe some jokes aren’t audible, and you do not experience that collective intake of breath that we as artists live for.
Here you will be supporting artists and companies that have had to cancel their shows and rearrange tours. Thank you and enjoy the fun!