• Photo: Roosa Oksaharju


Wilma Seppälä, Onni Toivonen

Amalgam is a performance about the collision of dance and juggling. Bodies and objects conjure up images that are at times wild and humouristic, at times thoughtful and calm. Through the 8-limb club knot, the headspinning plank and featherdance of balance, Amalgam takes the audience on an unexpected journey to the crossroads of dance and juggling.

Working group and performers

Direction and performance: Wilma Seppälä and Onni Toivonen
Sound design and performance: Konsta Leinonen
Outside eye: Olli Vuorinen / Cie Nuua

World premiere

Tampereen Ylioppilasteatteri, Circus Ruska Festival, 9.8.2019
