• Photo: Antoinette Chaudron
  • Photo: Antoinette Chaudron
  • Photo: Antoinette Chaudron

Mi Otro Yo - Toinen minäni

Doble Mandoble (Belgia)

In a fantasy universe, not a million miles from our own reality, a day goes by, filled with unexpected situations which bring our protagonists face to face with their multiple identities. We start with the story of two characters, mix in a bit of the absurd, some eggs and a pinch of innocence and we get a delicious, natural, fresh… chicken?

Playing with the threshold of surrealism, Mi otro yo fuses magic with acrobatics and physical theatre, creating a result permeated by humour and poetry.

Suitable for all audiences and ages 7+

Link to the website


Working group and performers

Director : Rudi Skoctheim Jensen
Performers mi otro yo : Luis y Miguel Córdoba
Scenography: Thyl Beniest y Sebastien Boucherit
Lighting: Thyl Beniest, Costume: Rosana Lugo Fábregas
Production: Doble Mandoble

World premiere

4.6.2009 CC Jacques Franck, Bryssel, Belgia
