Sorin Sirkus Joulushow 2016 - Enigma

Sorin Sirkus

This year the young artists of Sorin Sirkus take audiences to a mysterious journey through the world of riddles and enigmas.

Imagine, if you would wake up in your own bed, but in a completely strange world. Then imagine, that there is only one door to exit that world, and you need to solve a riddle and get a key to open it. And behind that door is a new strange world, a new enigma to be solved a new door to be opened...

The annual christmas show of Sorin Sirkus offers the audience once again a thrilling and high energy performance by the young and skillful circus artists. Live music on stage is performed by three membered House Band.

Link to the website

Working group and performers

Ohjaus: Taina Kopra
Valosuunnittelu: Eero Auvinen
Pukusuunnittelu: Kitte Klemettil
Sirkustekninen suunnittelu: Jouni Kivimki

Esiintyjt: Sorin Sirkuksen nuoret artistit

World premiere

25.11.2016 Sorin Sirkus, Tampere