• Photo: Heli Sorjonen


Circo Aereo/ & Gandini Juggling

Motet is a jugglers' journey in the spirit of baroque. It offers lyrical moments and hilarious humour. Motet in its multiple voices leads the audience from one ambience to another, from the darkness to the world of bright colours, all while dancing through the jugglers' history.

Working group and performers

Direction: Maksim Komaro
Performers: Sean Gandini, Sakari Männistö, Owen Reynolds, Iñaki Sastre, Kati Ylä-Hokkala
Lighting design: Juho Rahijärvi
Set design: Eveliina Hämäläinen, Maksim Komaro, Juho Rahijärvi
Costume design: Suvi Hänninen
Production: Circo Aereo, Gandini Juggling
Co-producers: Agit-Cirk, Cirko Center for New Circus

World premiere

5.5.2011 Stoa, osana Cirko-festivaalin ohjelmistoa