• Photo: Sêbastien Armengol

Mad in Finland

Galapiat Cirque

A seven-woman circus show Mad in Finland is a hilariously self-mocking plunge into the Finnish mental landscape. Music and circus acts pull the audience along for a wild ride into a land where harsh climate and rough terrain breed tough, characterful people.

Skis and rubber boots, cussing and swearing, ice hockey pucks and mobile phones all play their part in the heart-stopping circus acts - and that tango! It has never been danced like this before. The performance draws loosely from the iconic Finnish national writer Aleksis Kivi's novel The Seven Brothers.

Mad in Finland emerged from the seven women's own experiences and perceptions of living abroad. They have left their native land to follow their passion for circus and chosen a life on the road. The show has taken Central European audiences by storm and can now be seen on the home field for the first time.