Trilogie cirque d'objets

Circo Aereo

Object circus trilogy
Three circus tents, three performances, there hours of magical atmosphere, one ticket.

The Object Circus Trilogy gathers 3 shows in one, inside three tents of different shapes: Un Cirque Juste Juste, Un Cirque Tout Juste and Un Cirque Plus Juste. The audience is asked to move from one structure to another and feel the intimacy and sensitivity of the atmosphere. Mental magic demonstrations leave people speechless and the unique juggling performance moves them, with a dash of fun. Wooden and metal treasures provided by antiques dealers start to move while music from the 50s is playing. With magnanimous dexterity and smoothness, these objects manipulated by ordinary hands tell very unusual stories. They are the game tools which take hold between the audience and the artist. They are also the link that ensures visual and technical consistency throughout this timeless evening.