• Photo: Sami Perttilä


Circo Aereo

The most-performed production of Circo Aereo so far, Trippo transports its audiences from one atmosphere to another. Magic tricks, acrobatics and animal acts without animals, seven suitcases and a small circus arena. The entire world of the performance travels around in an old wooden carriage, with the home of the circus artists and other performers of the troupe inside it. Trippo begins at dawn when the group arrives in a new place and ends at nightfall when it takes to the road again.

In Trippo, the home also travels. The home of the performers is where the audience is.

Working group and performers

Ohjaus/Direction: Maksim Komaro
Esiintyjät/Performers: Jenni Kallo and Heini Koskinen
Lavastus ja puvut/Visual design: Kati Mantere
Valosuunnittelu/Lighting design: Marianne Nyberg
Äänisuunnittelu/Acoustic design: Tuomas Norvio and Maksim Komaro

World premiere

13.3.2004 Teatterimuseo, Helsinki