• Photo: Mia Bergius

Hip Cirq Europ

Hip Cirq Europ

Hip Cirq Europ' is an european project mixing circus and hip hop, organized by 5 european circus school and a guadeloupean dance company. The project gathers twelve young european artists from 6 different countries during 2 years for an incredible human and cultural experience.

Headed by two choreographers, the troupe has created a show mixing circus arts, hip hop dance and urban cultures in Paris and Brussels in may and September 2012.
From January 2013, they start to travel in Europe for six residencies (in Finland, Northern Ireland, France, Belgium, Guadeloupe, Netherlands) to improve the show and share their work with local emerging artists and young amateurs coming from priority neighbourhoods.

At the end of each << residency step >>, the show will be presented during local cultural events.

Working group and performers

koreografit: Eric Mezino (Cie E.Go) ja Gaëtan Levêque (Collectif AOC)
Petteri Savikorpi, Sirkustaiteilija
Rebecka Nord, Sirkustaiteilija
Karim Kalonji, Hip hop tanssija
Vincent Watson, freerunner
Ronja Breuk, Sirkustaiteilija
Dirk Datil, Hip hop tanssija
Jessy Baustier Duhamel, Hip hop tanssija
Cêdric Fikat, Hip hop tanssija
Bruno Samon, Sirkustaiteilija sekä 11 Sorin Sirkuksen esiintyvät-ryhmäläistä
valot: Ville Finnilä