• Photo: Aleksi Hakala


Fragile is Riku Lehtopolku’s choreography for three acrobats. The performers, Matti Koskela, Ile Poikela and Haidi Sadonkorpi weave and intertwine in this kinetic tapestry combining dance and acrobatics. Sound artist Mikko H. Haapoja will both compose the music for the performance and perform it live with cello and Finnish bowed lyre.
Through the media of acrobatics and dance, Fragile explores interpersonal dependency and interaction by movement.
The performance approaches virtuosity with humanity and gentleness and attempts to create a space based on trust, openness and acceptance. The choreography makes room for tenderness and reciprocal support and examines a delicate interaction that allows everyone to be seen and even a quiet presence heard. The performers support each other in the midst of complex kinetic compositions while sensing each others’ faint physical suggestions

Link to the website


Working group and performers

Choreographer: Riku Lehtopolku
Performers: Ile Poikela, Matti Koskela, Haidi Sadonkorpi
Sound design / Music: Mikko H. Haapoja
Light design: Kauri Klemelä
Production: Haidi Sadonkorpi
With support and collaboration of: Taike - Taiteen Edistämiskeskus, Niilo Helanderin Säätiö, Jenny ja Antti Wihurin Rahasto, Tanssiteatteri Hurjaruuth, Cirko - Uuden Sirkuksen Keskus, Kulttuurikeskus Caisa

World premiere

Kulttuurikeskus Caisa, 15.09.2022
