
Joan Català Carrasco

PELAT erases boundaries between dance, circus, theatre, and performance – between audience and show. Combining traditional techniques and personal memories, Joan Català conjures up a show that never stops evolving. Interaction with audience determines the direction each performance will take.

Joan Català Carrasco was born in Barcelona in 1978. A curious observer by nature, Català is interested in movement and in the uses of body and objects to communicate. He regards the stage as a space for a dialogue between humans, objects, and the environment. For Català, work and play are interchangeable and, together with the tools, experiences, and ideas that each of us bring, they form the basis of his work.

In 2012, Català started to develop a perspective around scenic arts and focused on street and urban landscapes. The result was the show, Pelat, which premiered in Catalunya at Fira Tàrrega in 2013. The show has toured the world ever since. Currently, Català consults and collaborates with several performance art companies where the main driver is movement.

Link to the website

Working group and performers

Joan Català Carrasco

World premiere

Fira Tàrrega 2013
