• Photo: sebastien Armengol
  • Photo: Sebastien Armengol
  • Photo: Sebastien Armengol

Cry me a river

Sanja Kosonen, L'Avant Courrier

Cry Me A River is a multidisciplinary performance insprirated of the Carelian mourning tradition. The spectators embark on a journey in search of the inner rivers from which laughter and tears emerge. A combination of dancing, singing, circus and fine arts, the performance intertwines solos and collective tableaux in a choreography tending progressively towards the stark and unadorned, towards a human being, pure, as a tear.

Link to the website


Working group and performers

Author and director: Sanja Kosonen
Permormers: Nedjma Benchaib, Jérémie Bruyère, Muriel Carpentier, Sanja Kosonen, Sampo Kurppa, Inka Pehkonen, Olli Vuorinen
Sound design: Sami Tammela
Light design: Julien Poupon
Costume design: Mickael Lecoq
Outside eye: Minja Mertanen
Directors assistent: Marylou Thomas

World premiere

12.3.2021 La Breche, Cherbourg

