• Photo: Itselaukaisin

Tiikeri - esi-esitys - eli mennyt elämä - grauh

Milla Jarko

Tiger is Milla Jarko's first and Milla Järvinen's third exploration. For now, we can think that this exploration, social event (performance), presentation has four parts. Anyway there will be social events, such as performance, which can be explored via live stream or/and on live between 2019-2021.

Observation shortly:
Time, realities and theirs layers and possibilities.
Performing - not performing.
Relation between presence of a performer - presence of an attender(audience) but also performers. Mindfulness, being present, awareness of time.
Difference, paths, roots, links between and around what just mentioned.
Social media - mindfulness apps - trend of meditation (something is meditative)
Further more, 'living in the moment' and reaching out for the happiness.
And then idea of ready, finished, complete? What is that? That I have thought a lot.

Friday 13th of December 2019 I want to invite you to Järvinen's single-room apartment to the pre-performance - Tiger - ergo bygone life - grauh to share and continue this project, which every single part can be a performance(=in drama described as "play"), ready piece (=a production of a live performance). Why studio, home? I want to try to create a social event called performance in a place which is un-known as a performing place and also private.

Please attend by e-mail to milla.jarvinen(at)hotmail.com and I will send you more info, address etc.
This part can maybe also be followed via live stream, FB: Milla Jarko
Attention! The flat is tiny 24 m² and
non-accessible for wheelchair users.

Follow and explore more FB, IG, WEBSIDE and so on...
if you fancy

2020 supporter Taike

Link to the website


Working group and performers

All possible attenders, followers, Milla Jarko and Milla Järvinen

World premiere
