• Photo: Jiri Halttunen
  • Photo: Samppa Erkkilä
  • Photo: Samppa Erkkilä

Miesten välisiä syvällisiä keskusteluja

Pihlaja - Rinnevuori - Tarvainen

Why oncologist-pole dancer wasn't eventually the perfect partner? Is it better to be entrepreneur or artist? Will you get stressed, if you are both? What happens, if you are a tough guy? What even is a tough guy? What are the true consequences of a divorce? These, and many other questions will be answered honestly, based on true stories. The performance also includes daredevil acrobatics, parkour and dance.

The dialogue between the performers is built on top of long friendship and each of performers' areas of expertise: Jukka Tarvainen is a top-notch dancer, Mikko Rinnevuori is one of the most experienced acrobats in Finland and Perttu Pihlaja is the first professional parcour athlete in the country. Each still remains at the top of his trade - and is still not in middle age ... right

Link to the website


Working group and performers

Performers & choreography: Perttu Pihlaja, Mikko Rinnevuori and Jukka Tarvainen
Sound design: Sami Tammela
Lighting design: Antti Helminen
Parkour equipment design: Jaakko Junttila
Producer/Sales: Antti Lähdesmäki

World premiere

9.7.2018, Jyväskylän kesä -festivaali, Jyväskylä, Suomi